Flying V, a new collaboration between 2008 Supinfocom alumni Clément Soulmagnon & Gary Levesque, has created a short film titled Virgile. Following a shy guy named Virgile who desperately tries to impress a gal by being everything other than himself, Clément and Gary display their prowess for everything a successful short film needs. From original concept to final composite this film would make Supinfocom proud, especially considering that they are only one year out from creating the extremely successful short films “Gary” and “Yankee Gal“.
Apart from being impressed by these french youngsters kicking ass and taking numbers, I’m also intrigued by the fact that this film was entirely produced at Wizz Design. During a year in which financial survival has the edge over creativity, it is uplifting to see a company put their own dime into a short film. When all the competition is churning out “money jobs” a few solid investments in creative can jockey companies into better positioning when all the economic turmoil is over.