"Natural Selection," a new spot from Sway directors Mark Glaser and John Allardice for Chevy, is a CG tour de force.

Watch the tag at the top of the screen for an indicator of which elements were done in CG. It’s pretty damn incredible. The opening shot of the Corvette shedding its skin is beautifully executed, from the car itself to the newspaper stands on the sidewalk.
I also really dig the camera work throughout this spot. Notice during the forest sequence how the camera dips down a little too low at one point, suggesting that the cameraperson is riding along similarly rough terrain in a neighboring vehicle. Contrast that with the smoother, Gran Turismo-style camera moves of the urban sequences, conveying a svelte sophistication tinged with high-performance power.
It’s funny. Normally I don’t really pay attention to car ads. Maybe I’m just ultra-sensitive to this stuff because I have to model a photo-realistic car for one of my classes, and all I can create is a nurby blob of metal with wheels.