If you lurk around mograph or if you’ve been reading my inbox any time in the last month or so, you probably know that a group of industrious individuals has built the framework for the world’s first ever wiki dedicated to motion graphics.

A wiki, for those of you who are not yet tingling with excitement, is a hyperlinked body of knowledge that can be added to and edited by anyone. Wikipedia is like the wiki of all wikis, the big mama, the mothership, and its structure has been an inspiration for much of MographWiki.
So why are we doing this? I quote govinda on the mission of MographWiki:
To create a useful resource for and by the motion graphics community. It’ll include:
- technical answers
- style discussions
- company bios
- individual bios of key figures
- links to tutorials
- description of relevant software
- description of relevant hardware
- links to community sites
- history
Like all wikis, MographWiki is only as good as its content. And its content is only as good as the community behind it. (That’s you.) Here are some ideas about how you can make MographWiki the best motion graphics resource in the universe:
- Add a bio for your company.
- Look up your favorite mograph term (mine’s the vaguely pornographic “stinger”). If an entry for it doesn’t exist, create one. If one exists, check the definition and edit it, if necessary.
- Been around for a while? Share some of your historical knowledge by creating an entry for an important individual or stylistic movement that impacted motion graphics in some way.
- Write about a trend you abhor.
- Write about a trend you adore.
If you’re not tingling with excitement by now, something is seriously wrong with your nervous system. I suggest laying off the barbiturates. For the rest of you, register, read the introduction and write like mad!
A slew of people have contributed to the birth and early life of MographWiki, but I want to give big props to Matt Kuebrich (yuppster) and Richard Powell (govinda) for really making this thing happen. Massive respect to Media Temple for the hosting as well.