After gawking at this slick website for TurboChef, a super high-end oven from the future, I decided to backtrack to the portfolio of mono, the agency responsible for the TurboChef project. I was pleasantly surprised by what I found there.

There’s a difference between wanting people to believe you’re smart and actually being smart. Thankfully, mono’s work leaves no doubt about which camp they belong in. The project that won me over was the brilliantly simple “Two Hands” promo they created for PBS. (Under work > pbs) They took the idea of a sing-along and paired it with a montage of characters and imagery to create a charming image spot that left me a little tingly all over.
The rest of mono’s work is consistently simple and clever. It’s a wonderful respite from the hectic go-go-go and razzmatazz I usually get write about here.
Oh, and no, it’s not very motion graphics-centric. That, I think, can also be a good thing.