Motionographer expands the unexpected!

We’re absolutely thrilled to introduce our new initiative .A.inspiration.

Film full made by 13 years old Ivan Rivera

AI: the most Important invention of humanity, or the last.
Yuval Noah Harari


With the birth of Motionographer, a new era in the Motion Design industry began.

Motionographer was born to fill a fundamental gap, creating the first dedicated space where motion designers could connect and find inspiration—something that was previously only possible through limited mediums like TV or DVDs.

Over time, it became a cornerstone of the industry, advancing careers, studios, and festivals, while also establishing the only award exclusively for Motion Design—recognizing the most outstanding achievements in the art of Motion Design—.

By doing so, it solidified its role as an essential catalyst. Motionographer continue to drive the evolution of this creative discipline.

Motionographer has strived to be a beacon for an industry still in its infancy. It has never belonged to anyone—it has always played a vital role as media.

Now, with disruptive technologies like GenAI reshaping the creative landscape, it’s time for Motionographer to lead once more into the next wave.

We’re ready to be that beacon again—the space, the platform for fresh inspiration and rebirth in this whirlwind of massive change.



And today, wait for it…

We celebrate the birth of .A.inspiration!

Where the opening act is none other than Artificial Intelligence—that digital magic that’s making our computers seem smarter than us (well, at least on some days)

.A.inspiration was born out of the unquenchable thirst for surprise, inspiration, and creativity, the need to keep discovering, expanding our minds, and, most importantly, fueling the entire community of Motion Designers, Creatives, and Creators—as well as the enthusiasts and the curious.

Matt, G. The Simpsons

We feel like kids handed a brand-new box of crayons.

But this time, it’s an endless palette with infinite colors and possibilities, where the limits of our augmented imagination are boundless.

.A.inspiration is here to be the place where we showcase to the world what we can create with this range of eye-catching box of colors. We’re not just launching something new—we’re celebrating the post-everything era of Motionographer.

We’re standing at a crossroad we can’t fully comprehend yet, but we are ready to wonder.

And wonder we will, while we try to surf this future’s free-for-all of innovation. We will stay grounded in our commitment to high-quality, objective reporting, and thoughtful analysis.

With .A.inspiration, we will uphold our balanced integrity, embracing diverse perspectives and voices, context, and the global debate in this bold takeoff times.

Maybe our logo and identity seem like a typo, but no—it’s a bold statement.

We want to stay ahead of such a groundbreaking advancement in the creative industry, even as it charges ahead at full speed.

We’re ready to evolve—from A.I. to .A.i, from inspiration to .A.inspiration.

At .A.inspiration, we’ll be moderating an exciting, essential debate about Artificial Intelligence—its uses, its influence—while giving a voice to the community and the key players at the heart of this radical shift. A change this big demands it.

Disney, W. 1940. Fantasia

We can feel the anxiety—we also feel butterflies in our stomach!—because we know we’re part of something momentous.

It’s like The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, where Mickey Mouse tries, amid laughter and nerves, to control the enchanted brooms that multiply uncontrollably and sow chaos…

We feel a bit like Mickey, our hearts in our throats at the possibility that AI might slip through our fingers. Because without the master behind the tricks, those brooms are nothing more than sticks with bristles.

Magic is the key.

We could say that .A.inspiration is like if Skynet and Pixar had a baby—but instead of wiping out humanity, it decided to help us create visual content instead.

Borrero, W. .2024. GenAI video generated

Every opportunity for change is an opportunity to step outside our comfort zones and into the unfamiliar—The AI elephant is in the room ups! That’s where the growth happens.

And just like with any good birthday, there’s got to be a celebration!

No great party happens without gifts and surprises—and we’ve got plenty of both.

At, we’re unveiling new ways to showcase both traditional projects and AI-driven creations. We’re launching our improved, work-in-progress UX/UI, and some easter eggs, you’ll have to play a little hide-and-seek to find them.

To kick it off, we’re adding two new categories and more judges to The Motion Awards.

And yes, we know the submissions were closed… But guess what?

We’re reopening submissions for The Motion Awards.

B o o m .

It’s like getting an extra slice of birthday cake when you thought the party was over. So grab your best work, light those creative candles, and make a wish because this celebration isn’t stopping anytime soon

Are you ready? And here’s an even bigger surprise: instead of us getting a gift, you get to bring a +1 to the party. Not that not-so-funny cousin, but a +1 submission.

Already submitted? You get an extra one on us.

Haven’t submitted yet? Now you can submit two—our gift to you

At the F5 Empathy Festival, we’re adding AI content and workshops. And to keep the party going, we’ll host the first-ever live Prompt-A-Thon. (So brush up on your social skills, because you’ll need to interact with the whole F5 guests.)

As we love surprises, the work-in-progress Motionographer membership is being crafted to celebrate another birthday. Be sure to sign up for the limited Legacy spots on the F5 website.

Showcase your .A.i talent Submit your work HERE <<


Welcome, .A.inspiration—let’s make the unexpected happen again!