Matthias Hoegg: Thursday

Matthias Hoegg recently joined us to answer some questions about his short film, Thursday. It’s an everyday love story in the not so distant future,… Read more

AENY: Thursday, Jan 29th

This coming Thursday at 6:45, Adobe After Effects New York will be hosting AE guru Lloyd Alvarez and Blue Sky Studios Lighting Lead Aaron Ross.… Read more

AENY: Thursday, March 26th

Everybody’s favorite AENY guest, Andrew Kramer, is going to be presenting this Thursday at 6:45pm. I missed Andrew’s last standing room only presentation, so I’m… Read more

AENY: Thursday, June 26th

It’s getting near that time again, and After Effects New York has a nice one-two punch coming up this Thursday, June 26th from 6:45 to… Read more