[London] Screen Social

Screen social in London has two events coming up, one Thursday, Jan. 12 @ the ICA and another Wednesday, Jan. 18 @ The Book Club… Read more

Late Lunch

John Robson updates with a trailer to his new short Onward and other projects.

Fotoshop by Adobé

Filmmaker Jesse Rosten makes a statement on standards of beauty in Fotoshop by Adobé.

Where Did the Night Go

A tribute to bluesologist Gil Scott-Heron by Steffan Knoesgaard.

Change the Thought

Change the Thought, reppin’ Denver CO, released their first reel.

Ryan Rothermel Updates

Ryan Rothermel, aka Decoy, updates his site with some awesome new work.

Eat My Dear 2012 Reel

  New reel with loads of new work from Austria’s Eat My Dear. Nice and cheerful audio by We Say We Say.


Strange, weird, absurd. Doomed! A pilot for a series by director Guillermo García Carsí (Pocoyo) and produced by El Señor Studio.

Valins & Co.: DVF On the Go

Valins & Co., Kiera Ormut-Fleishman and Luis Aguirre create The Bearable Lightness of Packing for Diane von Furstenberg.