Boards Summit: Day 1 Round-Up

Despite a stagnant first-quarter this year, the turn-out at NYC’s Boards Summit was still pretty solid. Innovation in creative thinking, content-delivery and technology were a… Read more

Tim Bollinger: Between

Hot off the festival circuit, Tim Bollinger of Via Grafik recently shared his latest short “Between” with us. This dark, surreal piece travels through grounds… Read more

Yellow Cake

Yellow Cake is a new short film by Nick Cross, an Ottawa-based animator who has worked for everyone from Nickelodeon to Spumco over the course… Read more

Offline by Matthew Santoro

Good Monday morning Motionographer readers. Maybe you are confused as to why we are starting this week out by posting a trailer for some big… Read more

HunterGatherer’s Signature Series for Fuel

[qt: 960 540] Q&A with Todd St. John, HunterGatherer: 1. The Fuel Signature Series is pretty wide-open, allowing artists a blank canvas to express themselves… Read more

Lucky by EB Hu

Lucky is a film that was made for Twenty120 earlier in the year. Attentive readers may already have seen it, but it’s really too gorgeous… Read more

Keep Your Crises Small

I found this video through illustrator Frank Chimero’s excellent blog and listened to it while working today. It’s a speech that Ed Catmull, president of… Read more

Questioning the Freelance Dilemma

A recent article at Animation World Network has stirred up many passionate comments from freelance visual effects artists in the industry as well as a… Read more

Embrace Life: PSA

Simple but touching PSA for the Sussex Safer Road Partnership encouraging everyone to buckle up. Credits Writer/Director: Daniel Cox Producer: Sarah Alexander Executive Producer: Neil… Read more

Bob Nelson on Joining Eyeball

With 25 years of ad industry experience under his belt, Bob Nelson recently joined New York City-based design studio Eyeball as President. Given his ties… Read more

Blind’s Heart of Stone

[qt: 640 360] How did this second collaboration between Blind and The Raveonettes come about and were there any differences this time around in the… Read more

Blind’s Heart of Stone

“Heart of Stone” marks the second collaboration between Blind Director/Owner Chris Do and Danish rock duo The Raveonettes. To refresh your memory, their first music… Read more

I Am Not An Artist

Johnny Kelly and Matthew Cooper have just made a series of 56 hilarious and poignant animated GIFS called I Am Not An Artist for Elisava,… Read more

VFX Townhall Recap and Links

Lee Stranahan’s Monday night VFX Townhall: The State of The Industry was a big success. Not in providing a solution, but in starting a discussion,… Read more

Clemens Kogler’s Phonovideo

Austrian student Clemens Kogler just released a new film called Phonovideo which is an intriguing mix of cel-animation that was shot and edited in a… Read more

Buck: Sherwin Breakdown

[qt: 960 540] Last week I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to sit down with creative leads Orion Tait, Benjamin Langsfeld & Joshua… Read more

Maxim Zhestkov “RECURSION”

Q&A with Maxim Zhestkov by Igor Sordokhonov, with help from Lilian Darmono, Bran Dougherty-Johnson, Lauren Indovina, Brian Gossett and Sofia Radnabazarova. In your words, who… Read more

Prologue for Robin Hood

Prologue’s treatment for Robin Hood is a study in patient analogue work. Ridley Scott called on the studio create Legends to open the film as… Read more

Baby I’m Yours Q&A

Questions: How did you come up with the concept and idea for your treatment of this music video? The day me and Breakbot decided to… Read more

Bill Sneed for Outside Royalty

[qt: 720 405] How did this collaboration between you and Outside Royalty come to happen? I’d heard of the band while working in London and,… Read more