Saul Bass: Why Man Creates

You’ve probably already seen Saul Bass’ 1968 “Why Man Creates”, but it’s one of those little gems that deserves annual viewing. Sadly, only a five-minute… Read more

PES: Western Spaghetti

NOTE: If you don’t see the video on the PES site, scroll down to the bottom of the page. At long last, PES’s latest short… Read more

I Met the Walrus

I’m so glad there’s an official version of Jerry Levitan and Josh Raskin’s Oscar-nominated short, “I Met the Walrus,” online now. If you haven’t heard… Read more

Michael Langan: Doxology

In Michael Langan’s “Doxology,” several whimsical vignettes tie together in a thoughtful stream of consciousness. Something about the cosmic tennis balls, floating carrot snacks, and… Read more

Blur, Making of Warhammer trailer

Gnomon School hosts Blur Studio’s presentation of The Making of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Trailer (hang in there past the first speaker—it gets good)

“Oktapodi” Back Up

After being offline while it made the festival cirtcuit and drummed up enough support to get nominated for an Academy Award, the wonderful “Okatpodi” is… Read more

yU+Co: The Watchmen Titles

NOTE: This title sequence was removed at the request of Warner Bros. I will never understand Hollywood’s approach to free publicity. Persistent souls will still… Read more

F5 Schedule of Speakers

The schedule of speakers for F5 is now online! A brief run-down: Things get started both days around 11am and run until the early evening,… Read more

Justin Claus Harder

Justin Claus Harder’s site is busting with wicked work. Don’t miss some very cool character designs in the personal section with “work so personal I put… Read more

Eli Carrico

Eli Carrico aka Modulate releases a grip of colorful and bold styleframes. Also be sure to check out Shape of Things, his online playground.

Challenge Your World

Through an online community, contests, and events, Challenge Your World connects emerging entrepreneurs to the resources and expertise they need to launch companies that restore… Read more

Amit Pitaru: Rhonda

Video of Amit Piatura’s 3D sketching software, Rhonda, is finally online. The potential for this thing is amazing. (Thanks again, Thiago!)

Superfad: Thirteen

Superfad created this title sequence for an online interactive drama that was once called “Thirteen.” That title eventually changed, making this animation obsolete for public… Read more

Buck for

No one is better qualified to employ humor that’s so willfully tasteless as Buck. In a brood of spots for online textbook rental service,,… Read more

Autodesk Assistance Program

Take advantage of the Autodesk Assistance Program. Free software license, online support and more. This program and its free software downloads end March 31, 2010.

Adobe CS5 event in April

Adobe’s announcing the details of CS5 on April 12. Sign up for the online launch event.

Coalition Of The Willing Launch

Coalition of the Willing is an animated film about an online war against global warming in a post-Copenhagen world. Between the start of February and… Read more

Michel Gagné “Sensology”

“Sensology“, Michel Gagné’s synaesthetic play on avant-jazz, is online in full. Can’t wait to see documentation (or more performances!) of Fixed Fragmented Fluid (via Cartoon… Read more

Blur: “DC Universe”

This amazing 5 minute CG trailer for the upcoming “DC Universe Online” video-game almost slipped past our radars. Brought to life by Blur Studio, it… Read more