Chá de Bold Estúdio | Longevity Hackers

The science of longevity is under the spotlight like never before – and now the documentary ‘Longevity Hackers’ is hitting the airwaves to delve deeper into the subject. Get ready for a flood of information that could change your outlook on life.

At the end of last year Chá de Bold Estúdio, was invited to join the animation team for the documentary. The project required a look that reflected an artistic mix without losing the technical and scientific tone of the program. In this way, natural textures and patterns from nature were the result of all our work.

Narrated by Oscar-nominated actor Edward Norton, the documentary aims to challenge our perceptions of ageing. 

Directed by Emmy nominee Michal Siewierski and produced by Steve Aoki, ‘Longevity Hackers’ explores the fascinating world of longevity, combining personal accounts and scientific advances. The documentary explores topics such as cell reprogramming, senescence control, epigenetics, immortality, transfusions, supplements and strategies aimed not only at prolonging life, but also at guaranteeing a better quality of health.

The cast is a spectacle in itself. In addition to Norton’s narration, the documentary features prominent appearances by Tony Robbins, Mark Cuban, Steve Aoki, Bryan Johnson, renowned athletes such as Tony Hawk and Chris Bumstead, and influential scientists such as Aubrey de Grey and Nir Barzilai.


Director: Michal Siewerski
Project Manager: Renata Furtado
Illustration: Renata Furtado, Rodrigo Menezes, Thiago Biazzoto
Animation: Filipe Porim, Mykael Sobreira, Ullisses Soares