From the creator:
"We shall not cease from exploration,
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time."
- T.S. Eliot
Opening main titles for Pausefest 2018.
I was contacted by Pausefest founder George Hedon in summer of 2017 about creating the opening titles for next years conference and, a conference opener being on my project bucket list, I happily agreed to do it.
This concept aimed to visualize this years theme: Journey = Destination. The idea that a journey and it's destination are the same, two parts of a whole, leading to a never ending cycle of discovery. A journey leads to a destination, that might lead to a new journey, and so on.
While this can be abstracted and intellectualized ad infinitum it can also take a more literal shape. A map.
Maps can serve as metaphors as well as the more obvious tool many times necessary to embark on and complete a journey.
Full project here:
Titles - Toros Kose
Music - Kodomo
Writing - Jamie Sugiyama
Voice - Oheri Otobo
Voice record & sound mix - Ground Control Studio
Thanks to - George Hedon, Oleg Fedotov