This may be old news to some, I’m not really sure when it went live, but Justin Harder has graced the internet with a home for all of his notable work, seemingly from his entire career thus far. In addition, he’s indulged his fans with extra tid bits of info including process and styleframes for many of those projects as well. A wonderful insight into, dare I say it, one of the forefathers of contemporary motion graphic design. I’m sure that’s debatable, but at the very least, it’s true for me. Love him or hate him, it’s hard to deny that he paved the way for many things we now know of and admire with our industry. Rewind to 2002 to the ‘Lets Make Some Shapes‘ demo reel, watch, and tell me you aren’t still impressed by Justin’s ‘Sequence Design’. It happened then, and never again because of the painstaking care that it took to create animation like that. I know I’ll always look back at his 2003 reel, and remember the times early in my career, sitting at my computer at 2am, watching in overwhelmed amazement, and think, ‘those were the days’. Thanks for the little peak into your world, Justin.