Marco Brambilla: Civilization

[qt: 960 540] Installation Credits Title: Civilization (MEGAPLEX), 2008 By: Marco Brambilla Client: The Standard Hotel, New York Editor/Research Assistant: Beau Dickson Assistant: Swapna Tamhane… Read more

Microsoft Sustainability

For those of you that have made it past the headline, congratulations: I now grant you access to the future! Working with Microsoft and director … Read more

Mainframe Rebrand Nickelodeon

London based Mainframe recently showed what they are capable of with an epic rebranding of Nickelodeon. Unusually for Nick, they let the design take the… Read more

Psyop: In-Depth with Tony Barbieri

This interview with Technical Director and Project Lead Tony Barbieri is part of a three-part series that goes deep behind the scenes with Psyop regarding their… Read more

Halogen: Branding a Network from the Ground Up

[qt: 785 441] It’s not every day that a new network is launched. And it’s not every day that the network has a strong social… Read more

Offline by Matthew Santoro

Good Monday morning Motionographer readers. Maybe you are confused as to why we are starting this week out by posting a trailer for some big… Read more

Ben & Julia: Dove Nets

Updated with Q&A A couple of weeks ago I posted a music video by Ben & Julia for The Main Drag‘s song ‘Dove Nets’. Ben… Read more

The Power of Time Off

With only a few days left in 2009, it seems a fitting time to take a moment and reflect on this past year – but… Read more

Keep Your Crises Small

I found this video through illustrator Frank Chimero’s excellent blog and listened to it while working today. It’s a speech that Ed Catmull, president of… Read more

NATPE 2010 Coverage

Photo by Todd Ehlers NATPE 2010 Day One: “It’s the content, stupid!” There is no better place to get a snapshot of the state of… Read more

Max Hattler’s 1923 & 1925: Q&A

Questions: How were you introduced to the Animation Workshop, and how did this collaboration come about? Norwegian animation theorist Joakim Pedersen – who I used… Read more

Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds teaser trailer

MTV 55DSL + EMA 2010

These all came out at the same time, so we thought we’d do a short and sweet round-up post showcasing everything! First we have five… Read more

PES: The Deep

After posting PES’s latest work, The Deep, in mid December, recently, we were able to catch up with the artist himself. Chatting about everything from… Read more

PES: The Deep

How did Showtime and PES come together for “The Deep”? One day I woke up and had an invitation via email to be part of… Read more