Buck for Google eBooks

After much speculations and rumours, Google launches its own eBookstore today. Lots of talk about its pros and cons, as well as discussions about whether… Read more

Videogioco by Milkyeyes

This one’s got a bit of the old ultra-violence, so be fore-warned. It’s all in a good bit of fun, though. No-one truly gets hurt.… Read more

Too old for mograph?

Ever wonder where all the old people are in the motion design industry? Don't worry, you're not alone. Luckily, in this month's Guest Post, Joey… Read more

Japanese Google Street View

You have to really admire the Japanese and their animation. They can take something as mundane as how Google Street View works, and transform it… Read more

Final Schedule for Inspire 07

Just got the final schedule for Inspire 07, this time with some details about the sessions. Man, even if I wasn’t helping organize this thing,… Read more

Blind: “Bits & Pieces”

Through a modern day dystopia, Blind threads together a provocative montage for Allen Martinez’s sci-fi thriller, Bits & Pieces.

Sehsucht Berlin: Google Streetview

Combining stop-motion, 2D and 3D, Sehsucht just crafted a cool animation for Google Streetview. Don’t miss the making of and breakdown at the same page,… Read more

Buck-Google Offers

Buck continues to rampage the motion world with this spot for Google.

Maxon Announces Cinema 4D R11

Maxon announced features of its upcoming Cinema 4D R11 release at SIGGRAPH yesterday. Here are some juicy bits from the press release: CINEMA 4D R11… Read more

Patrick Boivin: Ninja’s Unboxing

Patrick Boivin is back with more top drawer stop-action work, this time for Google’s Nexus One phone. (Thanks to Nate and Jesse for the tips!)

Buck: Google Chromebook

Buck teams up with Google again to playfully and accessibly convey a game-changing idea… your future computer won’t be a computer… it will be a… Read more