Old School Comments Are Back

You guys were right, and I was wrong: Old school comments are better than my fancy forum-post-as-comment idea, so I decided to swallow my pride… Read more

Tom Kuntz: Old Spice

Tom Kuntz cooks up more surreal brilliance. This time for Old Spice “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” with post work executed by The… Read more

Mike Milyavsky: Cest La Vie

SVA student Mike Milyavsky envisioned a frenetic factory of unhappiness and conformity for his computer art thesis. The harsh vignetting, violent camera moves and mechanical… Read more

What’s In the Box?

“What in the Box?” is the extremely ambitious “test film” created by a Dutch students Tim Smit and Thibaut Niels that’s been heating up YouTube—and… Read more

Jungeun Kim: Interview

Interview Most of our features on Motionographer are commercials and shorts we fall in love with and want to share. To shine the light a… Read more

Luv Deluxe

24-year-old director Saman Keshavarz has had a lot of success with first times. After scoring big time (YDA, Clio, Emmy) for his apparently first commercial… Read more

Justin Harder

This may be old news to some, I’m not really sure when it went live, but Justin Harder has graced the internet with a home… Read more

Motionographer Jobs Updates!

After 5,685 jobs on our old job board, we decided to upgrade our free, community-driven Motionographer Jobs site. We’ve flushed the old posts and can’t… Read more

NYC Mograph Meetup

NYC Mograph Meetup: June 29, 8 p.m. @ Mary O’s (32 Avenue A, New York, NY).

NYC Mograph Meetup

NYC Mograph Meetup, 8 pm on August 31 at Mary O’s (32 Avenue A).

NYC Mograph Meetup

NYC Mograph meetup Wednesday, September 28 at 8 pm @ Mary O’s (32 Ave A).