onedotzero for Asics

Most of you who know onedotzero will know them as the international event network and DVD label that has championed tomorrow’s innovators in moving-image for… Read more

Capitu Titles

[…] team’s initial inspiration is Dadaism, specifically the decollage technique (creating an image by cutting, tearing or otherwise removing pieces of a picture to reveal… Read more

Siggraph 2011: Technical Papers Fast Forward

Hi Motionographers! We’re at SIGGRAPH 2011, here in beautiful Vancouver. SIGGRAPH is the Association for Computing Machinery’s annual conference on computer graphics, where you can find… Read more

HP’s New Image

HP’s new “Personal Again” campaign is an attempt to restructure the personal computing galaxy with humansâ€â€?instead of machinesâ€â€?at the center of the action. So far,… Read more

Digital Kitchen: Mirage 360

[…] backdrop—a “talking point” to borrow DK’s verbiage—while agents chat up customers in the showroom area pictured above. I like that the project alternates between… Read more

Motion Theory: Triple Threat

Spring is here, and I’m falling in love all over again with Motion Theory. They’ve recently released a bevvy of projects that show off their… Read more

Faux Images

Animation and Motiongraphics Meeting in Berlin next Monday, April 4th. Free Entry, RSVP.

Faux Images III

Hey Berlin Mographers, this animation & motion design meetup is happening next week, on Oct 18th at LEAP, Karl-Liebknechtstrasse 13. More details go here. 


Faux Images XVI brings you Lilian Darmono (UK) FOREAL (TRIER) and schnellebuntebilder (BERLIN) featuring their exclusive installation M2. FAUX IMAGES is a quarterly meeting, which provides… Read more