Trying to find a balance

In this powerful and honest Motionographer Guest Post, the amazingly talented Laura Alejo offers some perspective on what it's like being one of New York… Read more

The 12 Principles of Freelance

Steven Savalle uses an industry blueprint to help freelancers thrive at work and become the best version of themselves.

Microsoft Sustainability

For those of you that have made it past the headline, congratulations: I now grant you access to the future! Working with Microsoft and director … Read more

SPECTRUM: Rheea Aranha

For this month's SPECTRUM profile, we talked with London-based Creative Director Rheea Aranha about her studio's work in Film UI, strategies useful to women in… Read more

Capitu Titles

So, due to popular demand, I’m pleased to re-present (as a full post) the title sequence to ‘Capitu’–a TV miniseries, based on a 19th century… Read more

HBO Voyeur Project

HBO voyeur is a tantalizing project the gives us a glimpse into all the simultaneous lives being acted out in a single apartment building. This… Read more

Jonny Kofoed, PAMS Q&A

What was the initial pitch brief from the agency, and how did you choose to answer it? (I.e. by sticking closely to their wish list… Read more