CareerBuilder Help Yourself Credits

[Original Post] PROJECT NAME: “Self-Help Yourselfâ€? and “Help You Help Youâ€? RUNNING TIME: 2 x :60 DATE OF FIRST AIRING: “Self-Help Yourselfâ€? 2/3/08, “Help… Read more

Bryce Wymer

Bryce Wymer has relaunched his personal site, and it’s chock full of the good stuff he’s been doing for the last few years. Before becoming… Read more

Welcome to the Industry Feed

Welcome to Motionographer’s new Industry feed. In this area, you’ll find news about: new studios and new hires technology announcements relevant business deals and budding… Read more

Mr. Hyde’s Fx and Mat for RBC

Fx and Mat (with Paris-based production company Mr. Hyde) directed this feel-good spot for the Royal Bank of Canada and agency BBDO Toronto. I love… Read more

F5 Tickets for Everyone

As those of you who signed up on the F5 mailing list before September 9th know, F5 started selling super-secret advance ticket sales at the… Read more

Mass Animation = Mass Exploitation?

When Mass Animation announced their goal of creating a CG short film by “crowd-sourcing” the animation to a global community of thousands of animators, I… Read more

Twenty120 Interview

Twenty120 is around the corner and we have a few announcements that we would like to share. Firstly, as a reminder, this Thursday night at… Read more

Rebranding by Scott Benson Q&A:

Questions: What inspired you to make this particular piece? Hey, thanks so much for asking. The concept of questioning of how passive creatives in this… Read more

Hunter Gatherer: “REDU”

With a portfolio built on scavenged items and handmade craft, Hunter Gatherer has created what is the closest they may ever come to a public… Read more

Gettysburg Address

Once in awhile, a piece comes along that speaks to you in so many different ways that you just want to listen, afraid that any… Read more