The Epic Doc Interview

THE EPIC DOC INTERVIEW The following is an interview with Varathit Uthaisri, (“Tu”), the Director of Google’s “The Epic Docs” animation, a DemoSlam campaign project,… Read more

Artist Profile: Joshua Harvey

After 4 years at Buck’s LA office, creative director Joshua Harvey has struck out on his own, signing with Passion Pictures for representation. The body of… Read more

Capacity Updates

It’s been a while since Capacity has updated—and from them that’s usually a good sign. They’ve just put up some of their recent blood, sweat… Read more

Dreamers Ink Aesthetics Updates

Dreamers Ink Aesethetics (a.k.a. Mitchell Paone) has updated with an epic new reel and some sick new design work. I’m so impressed by Mitch’s range;… Read more

State of Design 2011 Playlist

This is the playlist of videos from Justin Cone’s PromaxBDA State of Design 2011 presentation. In most cases, credits are on the linked pages. Thanks… Read more

SOD 2011 Draft

Faux Fi CN: The Pirate / Meindbender FVAP: This is My Weapon / Imaginary Forces Analogue Ambiguity “Game of Thrones” Opening Credits / Elastic TUI… Read more

Matthias Hoegg: Thursday

Matthias Hoegg recently joined us to answer some questions about his short film, Thursday. It’s an everyday love story in the not so distant future,… Read more

AI for Good | “Life Is Plastic”

A baby consists of 75% water and 0.0001% plastic’.The awful fact that nanoplastics are already found in foetuses inside the womb.


There is something brewing which may be of some interest to those down-under. Sam Coombes, Marketing Manager at MTV Networks Australia, sent us some info… Read more

Interview: Lobo Does Dupont

A series of mood boards (PDF) The whole set of mood boards in one go Animatic, showing influences from Maeda and Vasarely (QT 6) An… Read more

Joseph Kosinski: Gears of War

The new Gears of War trailer is noteworthy for several reasons. One, it’s directed by one of my favorite CG-centric filmmakers, Joseph Kosinski, formerly of… Read more

Inspire 07 Schedule

Inspire 07 is fast approaching, and I’m getting really excited. This thing has really blown up! Our lineup of speakers is awesome, and the Cream… Read more

Psyop: Adidas “Together”

I know Motionographer seems like a Psyop love-fest sometimes, but when one studio creates so much diverse, beautiful, intelligent work, they’re going to get a… Read more

CareerBuilder Help Yourself Credits

[Original Post] PROJECT NAME: “Self-Help Yourselfâ€? and “Help You Help Youâ€? RUNNING TIME: 2 x :60 DATE OF FIRST AIRING: “Self-Help Yourselfâ€? 2/3/08, “Help… Read more

Axel Rudolph: Knowledge

[Updated with subtitles] For his final year project at Berufsakademie Ravensburg in Germany, Axel Rudolph created “Knowledge,” a proof-of-concept video for his vision of what… Read more