IKEA Catalogue 2.0

This new interactive video/catalogue for IKEA is simply brilliant. From a purely cinematographic perspective, the quick-cut intro sequences followed by ultra slow-motion shots convey the… Read more

Welcome to Motionographer 2.0

Welcome to Motionographer’s refreshed look. There’s still plenty of work to be done, but it’s time we went ahead and pushed this baby out. Some… Read more

Royale 2.0 launches

Royale relaunches with loads of new work and a podcast of their portfolio

Greg Herman: More Chi 2.0

It’s been a long time coming, but Motionographer’s very own Greg Herman has finally relaunched his web presence, More Chi. It was totally worth the… Read more

Motionographer Jobs 2.0

Photo by Marius Kallhardt Last week, the Motionographer Jobs database went kaput, and we lost all of the job listings. After pulling out my hair,… Read more

Gretel: IFC Rebrand

We dive deep with Gretel's Ryan Moore into the process behind the IFC rebrand.

Final Schedule for Inspire 07

Just got the final schedule for Inspire 07, this time with some details about the sessions. Man, even if I wasn’t helping organize this thing,… Read more

Animation Block Party

The Animation Block Party’s 5th Annual Festival gets underway this weekend in Brooklyn, and it looks like its going to be a good time. In… Read more

Get Yo KLOWWWN : Asif Mian

This raw lo-fi offering from Asif Mian, gives us a break from the commercial world for a brief moment so that we might be either… Read more

The Hyde Tube

Paris-based production company Mr. Hyde has launched an interesting new initiative, The Hyde Tube, which invites directors anywhere in the world to submit their work… Read more

Motionographer Team

For the love of the work Motionographer is an all-volunteer organization run by professional artists, designers and directors in our spare time. We don’t make any… Read more

Shih-Ting Hung: Sony PSP “Color Range”

[qt:https://motionograph.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/PSP_CR_Final.mov 720 405] Credits Agency: Love Creative Agency Producer: Caroline Brown Creative Director: Darren Hughes Client: Sony Playstation Head of Production: Hae-sook Song Director: Shih-Ting… Read more