OK Go “I Won’t Let You Down”

Masters of the one-take viral music video, OK Go teamed up with creative director Morihiro Harano to create yet another eye-popping, people-powered (well, mostly) music… Read more

Takashi Murakami

If you’re in the LA area any time between now and February 11th, you might want to check out the Takashi Murakami show. Murakami is… Read more

Infographic Animation

A clean, SimCity-style look at Japan’s growing food problems (Thanks, Bran!)

Woof Wan-Bau: Penguin English Library

Woof Wan-Bau directs a penguin’s whimsical, surreal journey to celebrate the opening of the Penguin English Library. Someone should show this video to Werner Herzog,… Read more

Sprint “Speed Monsters”

[flv:http://motionographermedia.com/threeleggedlegs/sprint_nascar.flv 468 351]QuickTime version | High-quality version on Beam.tv Looks like Sprint and agency Goodby Silverstein & Partners are going to run with the light-tracing… Read more

PS Animation Gamechanger?

AnimDessin2 is the latest release of a powerful Photoshop plugin that creates a helpful palette of tools for traditional (i.e. frame-by-frame) animation. The current version… Read more