Say What Again

SCAD student Jarratt Moody is in Time-based Typography I here at SCAD (a course for which I’m currently the teaching assistant), and he recently finished… Read more

Shynola: Coldplay “Strawberry Swing”

Interview with Shynola’s Chris Harding The following interview was a joint effort between Motionographer authors Lillian Darmono and James Wignall. Story All your music videos… Read more

Combo Post

Apologies for my near absence from Motionographer over the past week. I’ve been working like mad on a couple projects for school, and I haven’t… Read more

A New Model: Hooray or Nay?

I got an email recently from The Radar Festival about a new initiative they’ve launched. Here’s the gist of it straight from the horse’s mouth:… Read more

Buck Dews it Again

Buck is back again with another installment for their Mountain Dew campaign. This one brings us through a brief history of the product as we… Read more

Johnny Kelly’s Play for YouTube

Nexus Production’s director Johnny Kelly just made this short film for YouTube Play, an exhibition that YouTube and the Guggenheim Museum in NYC are calling… Read more

[Review] New York in Motion

Editor’s note: The following interview and review are by guest contributor Cheryl Yau, a 2012 MFA candidate in SVA’s Design Criticism program. Catch the next… Read more

Spring Time

1st Ave Machine 1st Ave Machine gives us something new to drool over with a new spot for Adidas. I almost forgot adidas made shoes… Read more

Kevin Atkinson: Method Art

Kevin Atkinson has been slowly building up a code library from experiments like those found on his Method Art blog, turning tinkering into what he… Read more

Coraline: Secret Keys

Long-time reader and black belt tipster Seth Gantman dropped a juicy note in our inboxes a while ago, but for some strange reason, I never… Read more