Google’s Chrome Shorts

Google has just launched a YouTube page with 11 short films to promote the launch of their new web browser, Chrome. Similar to BNS’s ‘Feature… Read more

N.A.S.A. “Whatchadoin?”

Continuing in the brilliant tradition of the other audio/visual releases from N.A.S.A. is “Whatchadoin?”, directed by Jimena Oddi and Jorge Jaramillo. The concept grew from… Read more

Prologue: Iron Man 2

To see the full collection of work Prologue created for Iron Man 2, head over to Prologue’s site. For those of you who’ve seen Iron… Read more

My Darling’s Shadow

Every frame of Conor Whelan's latest short, "My Darling’s Shadow," is a beautiful study of composition, color and reduction of form. I watched the film… Read more

School Profile: CalArts

Conceived by Walt Disney in 1960 and established through a merger of two older art schools, CalArts is one of the nation's premiere institutions for… Read more

SPECTRUM: Yussef Cole

For this month's SPECTRUM profile, we talked with Bronx-based motion designer Yussef Cole about experimentation, critical thinking and questioning meritocracy.

On my way to class?

Well, school has definitely begun. It’s my first week, and already I’m snowed under. I won’t let that keep me from making a quick post… Read more

Nick Ryan’s “A Lonely Sky”

Dublin-based director Nick Ryan’s new short film, “A Lonely Sky” strikes a chord with me. My brother, father and grandfather are all pilots, so I… Read more

I Met The Walrus

In 1969, Jerry Levitan snuck his way into John Lennon’s hotel room for a brief but wonderfully candid interview. Over 30 years later, Jerry teamed… Read more

Interview: Quayola

Quayola at MUV festival in Florence, Italy. Watch Architectural Density Watch Path to Abstraction – Live A/V show Rome – S. Agnese Lambda Print –… Read more


This was posted over at the quickies but I felt I had to move Matt Lambert’s site over to the features. First and foremost, Matt’s… Read more

Finally, Flying Cars AND Sweat Protection

[flv: 468 351]640×480 QuickTime Rexona spared no expense on this futuristic advert for, of all things, antiperspirant. The directorial tone is more Back to the… Read more

Oktobor’s Jonny Kofoed

I saw this cheery Tip Top advert over at Feed, but I wanted to enjoy it at a larger resolution. So I dug a little… Read more

Cream O’ the Crop Criteria

The Cream O’ the Crop is Motionographer’s opinion of the best of the best studios and individuals in the fields of motion graphics, visual effects… Read more

David O’Reilly: Octocat Adventure 5

During last weekend’s PictoplasmaNYC event, David O’Reilly revealed that he is, in fact, the force behind the Octocat Adventures created by Randy Peters, a fictional… Read more

The Graveyard

And now for something completely different. I’m not sure how I stumbled upon The Graveyard, but I’m glad I did. Calling it a video game… Read more

beeple: subprime

beeple (Mike Winkelman) created “subprime” as a visual response to Americans’ tendency towards over-consumption, but instead of making his argument with charts and graphs, he… Read more