Advanced Beauty Podcast

Advanced Beauty is now available as a weekly podcast (link will open in iTunes). We’ve been following Advanced Beauty with great enthusiasm here on Motionographer… Read more

Motion Theory Grows for VAIO

Motion Theory (dir. Grady Hall) continues to refine their sophisticated sensibilities with “Vines“, “Fly Trap” and “Breeze” for Sony VAIO. The simple concept from 180LA,… Read more

PSST! Pass it on…for Over the Rhine

Democratic moving image project “PSST! Pass it on” have just created their first music promo for the Cincinnati, Ohio-based band, Over The Rhine. The “PSST!”… Read more

Wuppertal 2050

Wuppertal, Germany is not a likely locale for para-military gunfights and flying car chases—at least not yet. Fueled by a fund from Medienprojekt Wuppertal, a… Read more

Offline by Matthew Santoro

Good Monday morning Motionographer readers. Maybe you are confused as to why we are starting this week out by posting a trailer for some big… Read more

Ben & Julia: Dove Nets

Updated with Q&A A couple of weeks ago I posted a music video by Ben & Julia for The Main Drag‘s song ‘Dove Nets’. Ben… Read more

Keep Your Crises Small

I found this video through illustrator Frank Chimero’s excellent blog and listened to it while working today. It’s a speech that Ed Catmull, president of… Read more

NATPE 2010 Coverage

Photo by Todd Ehlers NATPE 2010 Day One: “It’s the content, stupid!” There is no better place to get a snapshot of the state of… Read more

VFX Townhall Recap and Links

Lee Stranahan’s Monday night VFX Townhall: The State of The Industry was a big success. Not in providing a solution, but in starting a discussion,… Read more

Hornet & Blinkink for Toyota

Directors Sumo Science, Yves Geleyn, Gabe Askew, and Major Briggs bring four very different – but equally cool – perspectives to the “Stories of Better”… Read more

One Day on Earth / 12.12.12

By the time this post goes live, One Day on Earth’s third installment will have begun somewhere on this crazy planet of ours. On December… Read more