Coraline: Secret Keys

[…] of Coraline walking while being manipulated by an animator. All the featurettes are beautifully made and definitely worth some time. Coraline is due in… Read more

Shih-Ting Hung: Viola

[…] David Bazelon, Jason Gottlieb, and Hao Gu. So the whole production took a bit longer. But I learned so much out of it, it… Read more

Poll: Shepard Fairey

Over in the Quickies, I recently tossed up an interview with Milton Glaser regarding the work of Shepard Fairey, and it sparked some heated discussion.… Read more

Hemlock by Tyson Ibele

[…] to create a shot, and so I can plan out how many shots I’ll get done a day, and then render all the necessary… Read more

Mainframe Rebrand Nickelodeon

[…] outputted to Maya for the main scene work and also to After Effects for the later compositing stages. Once the animation was completed, an… Read more

Universal Everything Refreshes MTV

Universal Everything’s recent refresh for MTV’s 64 international channels is notable for what it DOES NOT do. As opposed to MTV’s long-standing tradition of constantly… Read more

Twenty120 Interview

[…] destination for this work. The first year I worked with Chuck Carey (Troika) and Crystal Hall (Showtime), and we busted our asses to make… Read more

onedotzero: just one week away

[…] new talents; exclusive preview of the break-dancing documentary film Turn It Loose; breathtaking shorts by Keith Loutit and Reza Dolatabadi, whose animated film Khoda… Read more

yU+co: Cirque du Freak Titles

[…] the content. It becomes a figurative poem. And concrete poetry—the idea of seeing letters as actual objects, as well as Bradbury Thompson’s work in… Read more

Keep Your Crises Small

[…] means open door. 4. People functioning well together is more important than the thing or idea they’re working on. 5. Don’t let success mask… Read more

Kitteh Kitteh!!

[…] sims we used worked properly. However creatively it was all pretty straightforward once the original concept was nailed. The absolute joy of working on… Read more

Rebranding by Scott Benson Q&A:

[…] for us and we’re very excited and very busy making that happen. I’m also toying around with a longer script that I know I’ll… Read more

Frankie De Leonardis

[…] a different Spanish celebrity relating the story of their life to BBVA’s 59+ program for seniors. We first bumped into De Leonardis’ work via… Read more

Bare Bones US Debut

[…] a premature party in NYC. With a break from their normal format, they will celebrate the cultures of both sides of the Atlantic. Schedule… Read more

AT-AT Day Afternoon

Patrick Boivin, of recent Iron Baby fame, scores again with a heartwarming tale of AT-AT as man’s best friend.  Update: Check out this short making… Read more

Mill NY: OFFF Opening Titles

[…] be tremendous. So, we had to let some grand ideas go. Boo Wong: From a production and animation point of view, the largest challenge… Read more

Matthias Hoegg: Thursday

[…] following cities, Thursday (and some other great shorts) will be on the big screen at these upcoming festivals: April 12 – 17: Filmfest Dresden,… Read more

Psyop: Fage “Plain”

[…] light to dark would lead us to a compelling yogurt ad. Since the shoot went well, our post workload lessened significantly, and the CG… Read more