[Review] New York in Motion

Editor’s note: The following interview and review are by guest contributor Cheryl Yau, a 2012 MFA candidate in SVA’s Design Criticism program. Catch the next… Read more


Stop. Put on your headphones. Go fullscreen, and sit still as Resonance blasts your earballs to pieces. After debuting at OFFF Barcelona, Resonance is now… Read more

I, Pet Goat II

The Canadian studio Heliofant has crafted the breathtaking piece “I, Pet Goat II” which features some spectacular visuals through use of amazing lighting and shading. … Read more

Moniker: Do Not Touch

Amsterdam-based Moniker (Roel Wouters, Luna Maurer, Jonathan Puckey) have created a Do Not Touch – a crowd-sourced music video for Light Light’s Kilo. “After 50… Read more

Miwa Matreyek

Animator/performance artist Miwa Matryek incorporates the silhouette of her own body into projections of her lush animations. Having seen her perform at last year’s Vimeo… Read more

Q&A: Dark Noir

Maybe there's an approach to crowdsourcing that isn't creatively repulsive or ethically bankrupt. Here's how Red Knuckles, Rafael Grampá and Absolut worked with a few… Read more

Q&A: Throne “Tharsis Sleeps”

What says "heavy metal" more than a few thousand frames of animated embroidery? Here's how it was done.

Playgrounds Festival 2015 [NSFW]

Ten Dutch designers and studios collaborated to make the titles for this year's edition of the Playgrounds Festival. The result it one happy, random, neatly… Read more

Elliot Lim: The Wire Homage

What better way to start the first work week of the new year off than with some excellent new work from the multi-talented Elliot Lim for The… Read more

My Darling’s Shadow

Every frame of Conor Whelan's latest short, "My Darling’s Shadow," is a beautiful study of composition, color and reduction of form. I watched the film… Read more

1K Studios: Call for Reels

CALL FOR REELS 1K Studios is looking for skilled freelance Designers/Animators to join our team. Qualified candidates should have experience concepting/designing on high-end projects for… Read more

Final Schedule for Inspire 07

Just got the final schedule for Inspire 07, this time with some details about the sessions. Man, even if I wasn’t helping organize this thing,… Read more

Pangea Day

When I was a kid, I remember watching endless coverage of the “We Are the World” music video. Like a lot of people around the… Read more