BNS offers new courses.

BNS updates their site with diverse work for Adobe, Chase & Doritos that spans the gamut of motion design: they’ve done character design and stop-motion… Read more

D.A.N.C.E. for Justice

Justice has risen again with this new music video for their single D.A.N.C.E. It has the exact same look and feel as the Ed Banger… Read more

20 / 120 at BDA 2007

20 / 120 is a session that will feature twenty new non-commercial works on the theme of Change at this years’s Promax / BDA conference… Read more

New Interview: Quayola

Motionographer’s Babe Elliott Baker recently had a chance to chat with Italian artist/multimedia wizard/DJ/graphic designer Quayola. The resulting interview gives us a nice look into… Read more

Interview: Troika Design Group

Talk to enough seasoned west coast mographers and you’re bound to hear Troika come up in conversation more than once. In addition to fostering a… Read more

New Interview: Shilo

Motionographer’s Jon Saunders interviewed Andre Stringer and Jose Gomez, founders of Shilo, about their company’s genesis and its future. Shilo also shared some inside info… Read more

MassMarket/Psyop for Infiniti

I think it was back around the summer of 2005 when Psyop first posted a three-spot series for Infiniti in which cars motored through majestically… Read more

zspace for ABC1

G’Day from Sydney, with news from my adopted home town of a major new project for Australia’s first channel ABC1, orchestrated by local moving image… Read more

Hatch Studios for Ford

Check out the roller-coaster ride Hatch Studios has created for the new Ford Focus. The car is rocketed through an awesome array of Japanese-inspired visuals… Read more

Christopher Mills for The Acorn

[flv: 468 263]QuickTime 960×540 | QuickTime 640×360 Curious Pictures’ Christopher Mills brought his lively directorial style to bear on “Flood Pt. 1,” a lively new… Read more

New Interview: Garson Yu of yU+co

The portfolio of Los Angeles-based yU+co includes a staggering array of work for TV and film. Their founder and creative director, Garson Yu, chatted with… Read more

LeMob for IWC Watches

LeMob knocked themselves out for this 10-minute product film that tells the story of six different IWC watches. It’s a classy bit of work that… Read more