The World of Harajuku Lovers

Friends With You designed and directed “The World of Harajuku Lovers,” a :45 opus of cuteness premiering on the web presence of Gwen Stefani’s Harajuku… Read more

Motionographer Jobs 2.0

Photo by Marius Kallhardt Last week, the Motionographer Jobs database went kaput, and we lost all of the job listings. After pulling out my hair,… Read more

New Work from Birdo Studio

Check out these three recent projects from the Brazilian Birdo Studio: Sempre Livre is a poppy, colorful Flash animated spot that was made in just… Read more

Rupert & Asylum Drop Droids

Verizon literally goes to war with its touch-screen competitors in this new spot for Droid. Brought to you by “author of epicness,” Rupert Sanders and… Read more

Dear Sesame St.

Dear Sesame Street,  We, the undersigned, would like to register our concern over the contest you are now conducting with Aniboom. We are concerned that… Read more

Channel Y

After a year and a half of blood, sweat, tears, and frankly a ‘lil procrastination, YYY / Channel Y is re-launched. With more people experiencing… Read more

Kim Dulaney

Kim Dulaney is back with her first update in over three years, and it is quite a massive update at that, with almost 50 new… Read more

Charlex: Shape Shifter

Charlex has recently created Shape Shifter, a larger-than-life film that’s been attracting remarkable attention online since its release. From the pieces of an exploded car,… Read more

Mirada: 3 Dreams of Black Interview

Motionographer recently posted 3 Dreams of Black, the Chris Milk music video intended for exclusive viewing on a browser. When it’s running, the animation progresses… Read more

Tommy Wooh updates

Tommy Wooh updates with new commercial and photography work.

BNS: Only the Brave

“Only the Brave Foundation” from Brand New School and Antidote features some really nice artwork from the likes of Sol Linero, Damien Correll and Stephen Kelleher.… Read more

Elastic: Arrowhead Nature’s Fix

[pro-player width=’468′ height=’300′ image=’’ type=’video’][/pro-player] What’s more illicit than bottling water and shipping it across state lines? Just about everything. But that didn’t stop Elastic… Read more

“Book People Unite” PSA

Remember the wild things, giant bean stalks, and green eggs? How about drawing worlds with purple crayons, traveling the Yellow Brick Road or flying off… Read more

Design I/O: Connected Worlds

Online, it’s hard to get a sense of the visceral impact that large-scale interactive works can have on users. You lose the immersion factor, and… Read more