Matthias Hoegg: Thursday

Matthias Hoegg recently joined us to answer some questions about his short film, Thursday. It’s an everyday love story in the not so distant future,… Read more


F5 Live Titles – Made by Buck from F5 on Vimeo. Let’s just address F5 from the heart. It’s been a little over a week… Read more


Stop. Put on your headphones. Go fullscreen, and sit still as Resonance blasts your earballs to pieces. After debuting at OFFF Barcelona, Resonance is now… Read more

Challenging the Hold System

Photo by Kecko Recently, we posted a review of Frank, an online tool that facilities the holding and booking of freelance talent. In the comments, though,… Read more

Dvein: Eva Main Titles

So delicate, and so slick. Dvein puts together a stunning title sequence for Spanish film director Kike Maíllo’s first feature film, Eva. Go fullscreen on… Read more

Prologue: X Men

Director Simon Clowes shared some valuable insight on the title sequence with Motionographer: The majority of these big budget movies have elaborate visual effects and… Read more

Prologue: X-Men

The main sequence for X-Men: First Class, produced by Prologue, has a special retro/2D hand-made feel and serves as a strong example of how a… Read more

Big Lazy Robot on the Keloid trailer

We recently Quickied Keloid, a stunning trailer for an as-yet-unrealized film that the wizards at Barcelona-based Big Lazy Robot hope to produce someday. BLR’s director, J.J.… Read more

DANIELS: The Shins’ ‘Simple Song’

It’s no secret we’re thrilled by DANIELS’ storytelling and epic visuals. The duo’s new promo for The Shins’ “Simple Song” cleverly tackles an inherent music… Read more

I, Pet Goat II

The Canadian studio Heliofant has crafted the breathtaking piece “I, Pet Goat II” which features some spectacular visuals through use of amazing lighting and shading. … Read more

Josh Raskin for Google

Many Motionographer readers will no doubt recognise Josh Raskin as director of the Oscar nominated short ‘I met the Walrus’. Personally I’d been wondering what… Read more

Made / Future Self by Polynoid

Everything we love about Polynoid is in full effect here in this invitation movie for the FUTURE SELF exhibition. Technical excellence and inventive storytelling. Love… Read more

EMA 2012 by Sehsucht

Sehsucht brings the 2012 MTV EMA titles to life by crafting a 3D zoetrope, a fast-moving carousel that evokes the illusion of motion through a… Read more