Let There Be Sims: Lollipop

[qt:http://motionograph.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/smithfoulkes_lollipop_sims3_s_640.mov 640 360] Credits Client: EA Games Title: Let There Be Sims / ‘Happy’ & ‘Lollipop’ Length: 2 x 30sec Agency: Wieden & Kennedy, Portland… Read more

See No Evil February

Keep Wednesday February 5th free for the first See No Evil of 2014! Evening of inspiration with the O.G’s of motion design, Mainframe.

See No Evil Tonight!

Tonight! The first See No Evil of 2014! Evening of inspiration with the O.G’s of motion design, Mainframe.

Cyril Izarn: Canal Savoir

  Cyril Izarn has designed a series of idents for the French-Canadian TV channel, Canal Savoir (“Knowledge Channel”).

New Justice: D.V.N.O.

Justice’s “D.A.N.C.E.” promo burned up the interwebs about a year ago, catching hipster eyeballs with its DIY look and countless variations on the simple theme… Read more

The Cream O’ the Crop

The Cream O’ the Crop has been retired. It used to be a list of hot studios compiled and updated yearly by Motionographer editors and… Read more