MK12: Beatles Rock Band

MK12 crafts some lovely chapter animations for the new Beatles Rock Band game. (Thanks, @ShawnMoreVis!)


Dominoes by Wyld Stallyons is great new short film for the World Wildlife Fund that aims to encourage people to become activists for environmental change.… Read more

SpecialGuest/Vinicius Costa: Zune HD

1st Ave Machine‘s colorful alter ego, SpecialGuest, presents a new spot for Zune HD. This spot is Vinicius Costa‘s commercial directorial debut with SpecialGuest, following… Read more

This Is For Reels

Adam Avilla and Tony Benna are a brand new directing duo out of San Francisco. This great stop motion spot using yarn for Gravity Mobile… Read more

Videogioco by Milkyeyes

This one’s got a bit of the old ultra-violence, so be fore-warned. It’s all in a good bit of fun, though. No-one truly gets hurt.… Read more

Elastic for Adidas Hoops

Dir. Patrick Murphy & Elastic remind us that the NBA season is just around the corner with this new spot for Adidas.

Lobo: Fiat 500

Lobo gets behind the wheel in this new spot for Fiat 500.

Ruff Evolution

I’m really digging this new spot from animation master Ruff Mercy for O’Neill to promote their upcoming snowboard event in Davos. His personal illustration style… Read more

Lobo: Fiat 500

[qt: 960 540] Lobo gets behind the wheel for The Ebeling Group in this new spot for Fiat 500.


PSYOP pops (and locks) some new Fanta. (credits)

Hornet & The Decemberists

We recently posted a trailer for Hornet’s visual-collaboration with The Decemberists. However, off the tails of Monday’s premier at UCLA’s Royce Hall, it seemed appropriate… Read more

Eyeball: Centric Network Branding

[qt: 640 480] Eyeball launches Viacom’s new Centric Network with retro-inspired type, crisp lines and earthy palettes Credits for Centric Network branding VH1 SVP of… Read more

The Mill: E4 “Misfits”

Run for cover; a storm is brewing in this new promo from The Mill for E4 Misfits.

Grzegorz Jonkajtys: “36 Stairs”

In the vein of a dystopian epic, director Grzegorz Jonkajtys unveils the trailer for his new sci-fi short, 36 Stairs.

Motion Theory’s Slide

Motion Theory slides in with a new spot for AT&T and a few others to check out.

Autumn70: The work of Micah Hahn

Autumn70: The work of Micah Hahn, Design Director of Current TV. Check out his new reel and the elegant modular IDs: variance.

Laundry & Greenday

Laundry & Marc Webb team up for the new Green Day music video.

Yellow Cake

Yellow Cake is a new short film by Nick Cross, an Ottawa-based animator who has worked for everyone from Nickelodeon to Spumco over the course… Read more