Motionographer Classics: Chris Landreth

In the early days of the internet, downloading videos often meant painstakingly collecting sequential 1.44mb .rar files, hoping none of them were corrupted, and finally… Read more

ODD NY: Mapping

Chapter 1: Mapping.  Office of Development and Design re-examines NYC topography based on perception in the first installment of it’s series of shorts entitled ODD… Read more

Kijek/Adamski: Shugo Tokumaru “Katachi”

Directors Kijek/Adamski created this lovely, lighthearted video using approximately 2,000 silhouettes extracted from PVC plates using a computer-controlled cutter. I love the balance between popping… Read more

Mischa Rozema’s Stardust

Stardust is PostPanic director Mischa Rozema’s haunting love letter to loss, exploration, and Voyager 1. When I was a kid, I thought that Voyager’s golden… Read more

Pep Rally is born

PepRally has quietly launched. The studio is part of a growing trend of director/designer/animators creating new opportunities for work that fall outside the normal scope of freelance.… Read more

One Year of 9 Squares

Encompassing 28 rounds and 186 contributors, 9 Square's 1 year retrospective is motion for motion's sake — no deep ideas or earth-shattering innovations. Just beautiful… Read more

Tom & Mark: “Coke Secret Ingredient Swelter Stopper”

[qt: 640 360] Credits Project: Coca Cola “Swelter Stopper” Duration: 1×30″ CLIENT Coca Cola AGENCY Wieden + Kennedy Portland Creative Directors: Hal Curtis, Sheena Brady… Read more

1 Typeface. 110 Animators.

Purveyors of animated typography, Animography, have released their latest project Franchise Animated: For this specific animated typeface we have round up 110 talented animators from… Read more

TMAL Promo Contributions

    The Motion Awards Live isn’t just the team at Motionographer; it’s made possible by an eco-system of incredible creatives.  The brilliant graphics package… Read more

Mirada: 3 Dreams of Black Interview

Motionographer recently posted 3 Dreams of Black, the Chris Milk music video intended for exclusive viewing on a browser. When it’s running, the animation progresses… Read more