Universal Everything Refreshes MTV

Universal Everything’s recent refresh for MTV’s 64 international channels is notable for what it DOES NOT do. As opposed to MTV’s long-standing tradition of constantly… Read more

Yellow Cake

Yellow Cake is a new short film by Nick Cross, an Ottawa-based animator who has worked for everyone from Nickelodeon to Spumco over the course… Read more

VFX Townhall Recap and Links

Lee Stranahan’s Monday night VFX Townhall: The State of The Industry was a big success. Not in providing a solution, but in starting a discussion,… Read more

[Review] New York in Motion

Editor’s note: The following interview and review are by guest contributor Cheryl Yau, a 2012 MFA candidate in SVA’s Design Criticism program. Catch the next… Read more

Hornet & Blinkink for Toyota

Directors Sumo Science, Yves Geleyn, Gabe Askew, and Major Briggs bring four very different – but equally cool – perspectives to the “Stories of Better”… Read more

AI for Good | “Life Is Plastic”

A baby consists of 75% water and 0.0001% plastic’.The awful fact that nanoplastics are already found in foetuses inside the womb.