Late Night Work Club: Ghost Stories

Late Night Work Club is Dave Prosser, Charles Huettner, Sean Buckelew, Jake Armstrong & Erin Kilkenny, Caleb Wood, Louise Bagnall, Alex Grigg, Conor Finnegan, Ciaran… Read more

I Am Not An Artist

Johnny Kelly and Matthew Cooper have just made a series of 56 hilarious and poignant animated GIFS called I Am Not An Artist for Elisava,… Read more

Moniker: Do Not Touch

Amsterdam-based Moniker (Roel Wouters, Luna Maurer, Jonathan Puckey) have created a Do Not Touch – a crowd-sourced music video for Light Light’s Kilo. “After 50… Read more

Motion plus design

Pour la première fois en France, Motion Plus Design invite 8 des plus grands noms du Motion Design international à Paris! INVITÉS : GUEST #1… Read more

Newsletter Advertisers

Reach an all-new, motion-savvy audience looking for products and solutions.  Promote your product or service to an all-new audience that is actively looking for recommendations.… Read more

JL: LeeHom DVD Menu

To me, DVD menu’s are an art form of their own; it involves clever transitions and frustrating warnings, yet some seem to ready their eyes… Read more

Monstrous Legs

Here’s another magical tale from the wizards at MassMarket, prosthetics master Stan Winston and production company MJZ (among others). It’s such an enchanting narrative that… Read more

Challenge Your World 20/20

Through an online community, contests, and events, Challenge Your World connects emerging entrepreneurs to the resources and expertise they need to launch companies that restore… Read more

Not To Scale: “Bubbles”

[qt: 960 540] What was the brief for this project? Agency BMB approached us to make a commercial that had something of the same charm… Read more

Blur: “DC Universe”

This amazing 5 minute CG trailer for the upcoming “DC Universe Online” video-game almost slipped past our radars. Brought to life by Blur Studio, it… Read more

Happy F5!

For its second birthday, F5 is throwing a big party with all its friends. (That’s you.) Since the initial fest in 2009, we’ve seen the… Read more


We’re very pleased to get this first batch of Happy F5 – RE:PLAY films online. We’ll be sharing three films at a time, one batch… Read more

Creative Parents, Creative Kids

In collaboration with reader Joe Linton, we conducted an informal survey in May asking parents about the role that creativity played in their parenting. We… Read more

Making “The Wisdom of Pessimism”

For his directorial debut, Claudio Salas took on an ambitious challenge: a 2-minute visual essay for the philosopher Alain de Botton’s School of Life project.  What began as… Read more

New Work from Moth Collective

It’s been quite a productive year for Moth Collective, and the London based trio is here again with more great work for a great cause! Continuing… Read more