De Monsters

Monsters: 091 Tourists from Volstok Telefunken on Vimeo. This is Monsters: 091 Tourists, just the latest of almost a hundred similar shorts made by Volstok… Read more

Franck Dion: Monsieur COK

Franck Dion’s Monsieur COK, a tale of vengeance in the age of mechanical reproduction

Lionel Caruana: Polymorphia

Forces of nature collide in this ethereal short from Supinfocom student Lionel Caruana

MK12: Beatles Rock Band

MK12 crafts some lovely chapter animations for the new Beatles Rock Band game. (Thanks, @ShawnMoreVis!)


Stop. Put on your headphones. Go fullscreen, and sit still as Resonance blasts your earballs to pieces. After debuting at OFFF Barcelona, Resonance is now… Read more

2015 Hardware Survey Results

At the end of 2015, we invited you to participate in a casual hardware survey, and 854 of you clicked your way through it. Here are… Read more

QuickTime Tip: Fast Start

Just a friendly tip: If you’re compressing a video for the web and you’re using QuickTime to do it, make sure to enable Fast Start.… Read more

Final Schedule for Inspire 07

Just got the final schedule for Inspire 07, this time with some details about the sessions. Man, even if I wasn’t helping organize this thing,… Read more

The (In)famous Craigslist Post

The text below was originally posted on Craigslist (and quickly removed by admins) in response to the ridiculous job offers there soliciting creative services for… Read more

Only Say Yes When It’s Yes

As the President of The Ashy Agency and Chairman of the Board of Governors for the Broadcast Design Association (BDA), Brett Ashy has worked with… Read more

PSST! Pass it on…for Over the Rhine

Democratic moving image project “PSST! Pass it on” have just created their first music promo for the Cincinnati, Ohio-based band, Over The Rhine. The “PSST!”… Read more

Shih-Ting Hung: Viola

For her thesis at USC Cinematic Arts, Shih-Ting Hung‘s thesis film, “VIOLA: The Traveling Rooms of a Little Giant,” is a surreal coming-of-age short that… Read more