Transistor makes some shapes.

I love 100 ft. tall robots crashing through cities as much as the next guy, but sometimes the old eyeballs want something more graphic. Transistor… Read more

Digital Domain for Mazda

Digital Domain’s full gamut of skills are on display in their latest work for Mazda. The advert is nearly 100% CG, from the cityscape to… Read more

Method for Halo 3

By now you’ve probably all seen Method’s amazing job on the latest Halo 3 spot. It’s getting pretty heavy airplay, and Method’s work stands up… Read more

Space Channel Refresh

For a Space Channel refresh, Toronto-based studio Tendril crafted immaculately detailed IDs that blend the mystery of science fiction with the delight of discovery. While the two… Read more

AI for Good | “Life Is Plastic”

A baby consists of 75% water and 0.0001% plastic’.The awful fact that nanoplastics are already found in foetuses inside the womb.

Big Lazy Robot on the Keloid trailer

We recently Quickied Keloid, a stunning trailer for an as-yet-unrealized film that the wizards at Barcelona-based Big Lazy Robot hope to produce someday. BLR’s director, J.J.… Read more

Making “The Wisdom of Pessimism”

For his directorial debut, Claudio Salas took on an ambitious challenge: a 2-minute visual essay for the philosopher Alain de Botton’s School of Life project.  What began as… Read more

airFIELD Sculpture by Dan Goods

airFIELD is a mesmerizingly beautiful example of “physical animation” — animation that takes place in physical space, free from the pixel-based surfaces that traditionally act as motion design media.… Read more