An interview with Get it Girl

In this Motionographer Q&A, we chat with Get it Girl to find out more about their collective and what some of the best illustrators in… Read more

GMUNK, 19 years in the making

In this Motionographer Q&A, we chat with the man, the myth, the legend, GMUNK, about the eternal struggles of having an online presence, the direction… Read more

Between Two Donks #1: Brian Bishop

Husband and wife team - known as 'the Donks' - showcase the people, projects and opportunities within the NFT and Motion Design space. 

Ask Between the Keyframes I

Ask Between the Keyframes answers your most troubling Motion Design questions. This week: How deep do you dive on pitches before winning projects?

Yankeegal : Full film with Q&A

Heads up, boys and girls. The full version of this Supinfocom student film is finally available to us online, after having toured these festivals, and… Read more

Psyop/MassMarket Dissect Absolut

The PR-supplied Q&A with Psyop and sister company MassMarket sheds a little light on “Dissection,” their new advert for Absolut: What was the creative brief… Read more

Cisma: Adobe “Le Sens Propre”

[qt: 640 480] Q&A with Cisma What was the brief on this project? Was it wide open, in terms of script/concept? Basically it was a… Read more

HunterGatherer’s Signature Series for Fuel

[qt: 960 540] Q&A with Todd St. John, HunterGatherer: 1. The Fuel Signature Series is pretty wide-open, allowing artists a blank canvas to express themselves… Read more

Ben & Julia: Dove Nets

Updated with Q&A A couple of weeks ago I posted a music video by Ben & Julia for The Main Drag‘s song ‘Dove Nets’. Ben… Read more

Bill Brand’s Zoetrope Renewed

If you’re in New York, why not jump on the Q and check out Bill Brand’s renewed zoetrope magic. Here’s an NY Times background article.… Read more

Modern Rebel: Alberto Mielgo &

[qt: 800 314] Q&A: Can you describe your artistic background before finding your way to animation? I’m self taught. However, I started working on animation… Read more