Phantom Limb

Alex Grigg’s “Phantom Limb,” created for Late Night Work Club, is now online in its entirety (and apart from the LNWC compilation film). Poignantly minimal,… Read more

Tyler Hurd: “BUTTS” [NSFW]

[NSFW] “‘BUTTS’ is a profound 3D animated cartoon about anxiety, depression, and lending a hand to those in need. Perhaps the most important film of… Read more

Conrad Ostwald Reel 2014

Now freelance and Berlin-based, Conrad Ostwald launches a new kick-ass reel!


If you’re in need a good chuckle, take five minutes to watch the lovingly crafted “JohnnyExpress,” the latest short from Korea-based Alfred Imageworks.

Google: Todo a 1 Clic

Nico Chausovsky and Leo Campasso created this cute PSA warning of the dangers of sharing too much online (en español) for Google, and Red… Read more

Giant Ant: Costa Sunglasses

Giant Ant flex their storytelling chops for Costa Sunglasses with this boldly illustrated journey through the wilderness of Guyana.

Jake Fried: Headspace

“Headspace” is a series of incredibly detailed evolving portraits created with with ink, gouache, white-out and coffee by Jake Fried.

Wayne the Stegosaurus

https://vimeo. com/96594572 Hot on the heels of Gentleman Scholar’s Motionpoems short is another one from a small team at The Mill. “Wayne the Stegosaurus” is… Read more

Jimmy Simpson: Square Street Studies

In “Square Street Studies,” designer/illustrator Jimmy Simpson distills urban life into colorful bite-sized loops. Says Simpson: I have been focusing on illustration for the last… Read more

FEMA “Our Home”

The brilliant palette in FEMA “Our Home” is reason enough for viewing. Directed by Headless (Elastic), the PSA also features a charming mix of 2D/3D… Read more

PS Animation Gamechanger?

https://vimeo. com/96689934 AnimDessin2 is the latest release of a powerful Photoshop plugin that creates a helpful palette of tools for traditional (i.e. frame-by-frame) animation. The… Read more

Parasol Island: “Pink Troubles”

Parasol Island’s self-initiated short “Pink Troubles” features endearing character design and lush environment design. From PI: ‘Pink Troubles’ is the story of a lonesome flamingo… Read more

Peter Quinn: Shit Showreels Say

Tongue lodged firmly in his cheek, Peter Quinn decided to update his showreel by cramming it full of animation trends. Bonus points for using the… Read more

Modern Love: Beyond Years

[…] up my project management skills too. Working shot by shot without losing sight of the whole project was challenging to say the least. You… Read more

Welcome to Motionographer 3.0

[…] overlay frame, use your keyboard arrows to watch other videos on that page. Make a few typos in the search box. The new search… Read more