Amon Tobin ISAM 2.0 – Leviathan

Chicago-based studio Leviathan crafts a creative projection-mapped piece to provide an immersive stage experience for Amon Tobin’s ISAM 2.0 tour.  Check out the making of… Read more

Ben & Julia: Dove Nets

Updated with Q&A A couple of weeks ago I posted a music video by Ben & Julia for The Main Drag‘s song ‘Dove Nets’. Ben… Read more

Articles and Interviews

A Conversation with Mate Steinforth April 18, 2012 Go! SXSW 2012: Animated Shorts April 10, 2012 Go! Motionographer’s Role in the Industry (Right Now) April… Read more

Yule Log 2.015

Your favorite digital holiday tradition is back! For the 3rd season in a row, the Yule Log project has invited artists from around the world… Read more

Mark Okon: W+K Tokyo Lab

Mark Okon did some interesting work while interning with W+K Tokyo Lab this past summer. The following are introductory pieces for an eight-part series that… Read more

Cartoon Network Spain

Great camera work and sense of space in this 2.5D Halloween journey from Cartoon Network Spain

Novaya Zemlya Title Sequence

Art of the Title is hosting a gritty title sequence for Novaya Zemlya that’s full of 2.5D magic

Happiness Factory 2

Looks like the motion graphics grand masters are at it again. Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam and Psyop just released a continuation to their Happiness Factory story for… Read more

CareerBuilder Help Yourself Credits

[Original Post] PROJECT NAME: “Self-Help Yourselfâ€? and “Help You Help Youâ€? RUNNING TIME: 2 x :60 DATE OF FIRST AIRING: “Self-Help Yourselfâ€? 2/3/08, “Help… Read more

Kitteh Kitteh!!

UPDATE: 2 more items are added to the Q&A section, the result of a few readers’ additional query which I followed up with Sam. Sorry… Read more

Mixtape Club for My Morning Jacket

Mixtape Club has been happily toiling away in their new home at Hornet. Last month, they released some character-based motion and print work for Nike/Foot… Read more