Review: Division05’s “Snapdragon”

We review the latest educational offering from Division05, "Snapdragon," a comprehensive dissection of a real-world motion graphics project for Qualcomm.

Step by Step: Freddy Arenas

In this Step by Step profile, look over the shoulder of one of our industry's best. Here, Freddy Arenas dives deeper into his recent exploration… Read more

Do I lead from the Heart?

A leader of the heart: Are you one of them? #4 is a series of compact, heart-charged articles where executive coach Marie Reig Florensa –… Read more

Kris Moyes, Expatriate and more

Kris Moyes’ latest video for Expatriate is a monochromatic playground of slow-mo fun. The piece is comprised of long, flowing black-and-white shots, each beautifully composed.… Read more

Anthony Furlong

Over the last year and a half, Anthony Furlong has worked professionally while finishing up a degree at The Art Center. Thanks to that experience… Read more

zspace for ABC1

G’Day from Sydney, with news from my adopted home town of a major new project for Australia’s first channel ABC1, orchestrated by local moving image… Read more

Maxon Announces Cinema 4D R11

Maxon announced features of its upcoming Cinema 4D R11 release at SIGGRAPH yesterday. Here are some juicy bits from the press release: CINEMA 4D R11… Read more

Hemlock by Tyson Ibele

Recently, Tyson Ibele emailed me about his new film ‘Hemlock’ for CG Society’s Steampunk Myths and Legends 3D challenge. I thought it was amazing and… Read more

Poll: In these troubled times…

Photo by Nature Explorer Back in November, we asked Motionographer readers how they were doing financially. At that point in time, pieces of the sky… Read more

Supinfocom: Cafe Serre

School’s out at Supinfocom, and the end of year projects keep rolling in. Everything we’ve seen so far is astounding, and “Café Serré” only adds… Read more

Twenty120 Interview

Twenty120 is around the corner and we have a few announcements that we would like to share. Firstly, as a reminder, this Thursday night at… Read more

Phillip Bloom: Skywalker Ranch

We don’t usually feature straight cinematography work on Motionographer. However, what Director/DP Phillip Bloom was able to capture on Canon 5D and 7D DSLR’s during… Read more