Matthias Hoegg: Thursday

Matthias Hoegg recently joined us to answer some questions about his short film, Thursday. It’s an everyday love story in the not so distant future,… Read more

The Resale Right

Le droit de suite (The Resale Right) — VA from Pierre-Emmanuel Lyet on Vimeo (via Drawn). Time and again I have been moved by the… Read more

The Guardian: “Three Little Pigs”

Playing on recent uprisings aided by the prevalence of social media (e.g., Arab Spring, Occupy movements), BBH London, Director Ringan Ledwidge & The Mill help… Read more

PS Animation Gamechanger?

AnimDessin2 is the latest release of a powerful Photoshop plugin that creates a helpful palette of tools for traditional (i.e. frame-by-frame) animation. The current version… Read more


A moment of silence for a master artist who had the ability to visually interpret light and sound. May you rest peacefully in your vision… Read more

“The Ultimate Break”

If you haven’t already seen this stunning viral from Paris-based Akama Studio, this won’t be the last time. And rightly so. “The Ultimate Break” is… Read more

Roger: Creativity Top5

Short, sweet and insanely detailed, this intro blip for Creativity’s Top5 weekly video series is full of Roger’s personality. Roger, the LA-based studio, that is.… Read more

NBA “Navigation” Credits

Client: NBA Agency: Goodby Silverstein & Partners, San Francisco Partner/Creative Director: Jamie Barrett Creative Director/Copywriter: Ari Weiss Art Director: Stefan Copiz Producer: Michael Damiani Live… Read more

HEMA Products Page

This Flash viral for discount Netherlands merchant HEMA is a load of fun. It’s like an IKEA catalog was sliced up and fed to a… Read more

Mainframe: Wallpaper* Awards

With only a few days to turn the project around, Mainframe cranked out a series of cute animations for Wallpaper*’s design awards. A team of… Read more