Big Lazy Robot on the Keloid trailer

We recently Quickied Keloid, a stunning trailer for an as-yet-unrealized film that the wizards at Barcelona-based Big Lazy Robot hope to produce someday. BLR’s director, J.J.… Read more

Work/Life: Sunshine

In last night’s Mad Men season premiere, Megan asked, “What’s wrong with you people? You’re all so cynical. You don’t smile, you smirk.” In the… Read more

Artist Profile: Joshua Harvey

After 4 years at Buck’s LA office, creative director Joshua Harvey has struck out on his own, signing with Passion Pictures for representation. The body of… Read more

HP’s New Image

HP’s new “Personal Again” campaign is an attempt to restructure the personal computing galaxy with humansâ€â€?instead of machinesâ€â€?at the center of the action. So far,… Read more

Interview: Quayola

Quayola at MUV festival in Florence, Italy. Watch Architectural Density Watch Path to Abstraction – Live A/V show Rome – S. Agnese Lambda Print –… Read more

Elastic: Arrowhead Nature’s Fix

[pro-player width=’468′ height=’300′ image=’’ type=’video’][/pro-player] What’s more illicit than bottling water and shipping it across state lines? Just about everything. But that didn’t stop Elastic… Read more

Understanding Patrick Clair

Ever wonder what makes Patrick Clair’s work so darn good? Nol Honig sits down with the Emmy Award-winning title designer to find out. Hint: it’s… Read more

Interview: Troika Design Group

Talk to enough seasoned west coast mographers and you’re bound to hear Troika come up in conversation more than once. In addition to fostering a… Read more

Comcast “Rabbit”

The script for “Rabbit,” a new Comcast advert directed by Biscuit Filmworks’ Noam Murro, would probably work as a radio spot. But the visuals add… Read more

I Met the Walrus

I’m so glad there’s an official version of Jerry Levitan and Josh Raskin’s Oscar-nominated short, “I Met the Walrus,” online now. If you haven’t heard… Read more

Knife Party Updates

I’m not shy about publicly adoring Simon Robson. Yes, he’s one of Motionographer’s contributors, but even if he hated my guts, I’d be posting the… Read more