Costs of War

QuickTime version “Costs of War” is exactly the kind of thing that makes me believe in motion graphics. For the moment, put the subject matter… Read more

Crush and REM Strike Again

After their first well received collaboration with REM (Hollow Man), Crush follows up with “Man Sized Wreath.” This piece deals with an anonymous man’s daily… Read more

Axel Rudolph: Knowledge

[Updated with subtitles] For his final year project at Berufsakademie Ravensburg in Germany, Axel Rudolph created “Knowledge,” a proof-of-concept video for his vision of what… Read more

Grzegorz Jonkajtys: Ark

Way back in June of 2006, we posted a Quickie about Grzegorz Jonkajtys’ short film, Ark. He recently sent word that the film’s site has… Read more

Theo Alexopoulos: Preparedness Now

ShakeOut sets up this project better than I ever could: Up-and-coming film director, motion graphics designer and Art Center College of Design alumnus, Theo Alexopoulos,… Read more

Reality Check: The Economy

Photo by Nature Explorer If you turn on your television or glance at a newspaper, you’re bound to come across the words “economic crisis,” “recession,”… Read more

Cut&Paste: Call for Competitors

Given enough time, everyone can achieve some level of greatness. But what if the clock is running and you’re neck-and-neck with a pack of hungry… Read more

The Creative Work Of Ian Kim

Ian Kim has updated his site with some awesome new work, and we’re extremely happy that he did. Ian’s work is truly inspiring. His abilities… Read more

yU+Co: The Watchmen Titles

NOTE: This title sequence was removed at the request of Warner Bros. I will never understand Hollywood’s approach to free publicity. Persistent souls will still… Read more

Strukt: Toca Me 2009

The talented people over at Strukt had a big act to follow after Dvein’s opening titles for last years Toca Me conference, but they pulled… Read more