Yellow Cake

Yellow Cake is a new short film by Nick Cross, an Ottawa-based animator who has worked for everyone from Nickelodeon to Spumco over the course… Read more

By and By by the Snorri Bros.

By and By is a new video that the Snorri Brothers directed for Lay Low, a fellow Icelandic artist. Using a simple visual motif that… Read more

Ben & Julia: Dove Nets

Updated with Q&A A couple of weeks ago I posted a music video by Ben & Julia for The Main Drag‘s song ‘Dove Nets’. Ben… Read more

Lucky by EB Hu

Lucky is a film that was made for Twenty120 earlier in the year. Attentive readers may already have seen it, but it’s really too gorgeous… Read more

Airside + Demos: The Power Gap

British think-tank Demos teamed up with creative agency Airside to create “The Power Gap,” a three-minute visual essay that surveys the history of power structures… Read more

The Mothership Has Landed

If you saw our post yesterday, then you already know a little something about the mysterious entity known as Mothership. Today we got the full… Read more

Superfad: Sony “Eye Candy”

Superfad Seattle brings more than just eye candy to this surreal exploration of live action and vfx for Sony Bravia HDTV.  Unfolding in three parts,… Read more

Freelance Standards of Practice

At some point in their careers, freelancers have probably asked themselves perfectly reasonable questions like, “How did a 10-hour day become standard?” And “Why are… Read more

StinkDigital & Arno’s 100 Lovers

StinkDigital continues to deliver quality work from all ends of the spectrum with this recent video-catalog/music video from Arno Salters (via Anomaly, London). This piece… Read more

Prologue for Robin Hood

Prologue’s treatment for Robin Hood is a study in patient analogue work. Ridley Scott called on the studio create Legends to open the film as… Read more

Bare Bones US Debut

On Tuesday the 29th at NYC’s Envoy Enterprises, London-based art crew, Bare Bones (founded by Harry Malt), will be having their US debut show. After… Read more