Mass Animation = Mass Exploitation?

When Mass Animation announced their goal of creating a CG short film by “crowd-sourcing” the animation to a global community of thousands of animators, I… Read more

Previsualization Society Launches

The Previsualization Society is a new organization, formed in September 2009 that is “dedicated to advancing previsualization (“previs”) in feature film, games, commercials and architecture.”… Read more

Celyn Brazier for Wagon Christ

Celyn Brazier, one of my favorite illustrators, pays homage to the Thaumatrope in his latest for Wagon Christ.

Kijek/Adamski: Shugo Tokumaru “Katachi”

Directors Kijek/Adamski created this lovely, lighthearted video using approximately 2,000 silhouettes extracted from PVC plates using a computer-controlled cutter. I love the balance between popping… Read more

“Black Gold” by PES

PES doesn’t release new work very often, so when he does, we tend to get excited. His latest, “Black Gold,” was commissioned to accompany the… Read more

Playgrounds International Arts Fest 2014

Playgrounds International Digital Arts Festival is a festival for innovative and creative digital art in the Netherlands. During the four-day festival in Amsterdam and Tilburg… Read more

Animator vs Animation IV

Back in 2006, Alan Becker created a Flash animation of a stick figure coming to life and attempting to destroy his maker, an unseen animator.… Read more

Webby-in-Motion Contest

Webby-in-Motion is a special collaborative contest presented by Adobe and The Webby Awards where we ask motion designers, illustrators, animators and other talented creative minds… Read more

Crowdfunding Policy

We get countless requests to share projects on crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. We applaud the efforts of creative people using these funding mechanisms to… Read more


push.conference unites creative coding and user experience design, by offering a platform for designers, developers and UX professionals. A great thing about the conference are… Read more