Welcome to Motionographer

Welcome to Motionographer, the slightly bigger, slightly better successor of Tween. For the full poop on Motionographer, read the About page or Meet Motionographer. You… Read more

A52: Pioneer

VFX powerhouse and Cream O’ the Croppers A52 directed a couple beautiful all-CG spots for Pioneer and agency RPA: “Orbit” and “Wind Tunnel.” Each spot… Read more

Inspire 07 Schedule

Inspire 07 is fast approaching, and I’m getting really excited. This thing has really blown up! Our lineup of speakers is awesome, and the Cream… Read more

Just a Friendly Reminder

Just want to remind everybody of a few ground rules that have always been in place at Motionographer. Most of this stuff is on the… Read more

OFFF titles

One last bit of fun from the OFFF conference that happened this past weekend in NYC is the opening title sequence created by Dstrukt and… Read more

Nomis “Damn Boots” Credits

[Original post] Client: Nomis Agency: Johannes Leonardo Creative Director: Johannes Leonardo Art Director: Johannes Leonardo Copywriter: Johannes Leonardo Agency Producer: Matthew Mattingly Production Company: Nexus… Read more

Onesize Updates

Dutch powerhouse Onesize has updated with a few new projects. In addition to the 3:19 titles (which we posted here a few days ago), they’re… Read more

Zune Arts “Mother Like No Other” Credits

Director: Yves Geleyn Agency: 72andSunny Executive Producer: Michael Feder Producer: Hana Shimizu Editor: Joe Suslak Sound Design: huma-huma Agency Credits Agency: 72andSunny CD: Bryan Rowles… Read more

HTC “Set Your Fingers Free” Credits

Client: HTC America Arti O’Brien: Senior CDMA Marketing Manager Agency: 180 Amsterdam Adam Chasnow: Creative Director Yo Umeda, Masa Kawamura: Art Directors Peter Albores: Copy… Read more

“Hope” Credits

Production Company: Blacklist Director: Pistachios Writer: Douglas Coupland Concept: Jesse Dylan (Form) Music: SoundReid Blacklist Executive Producer: Adina Sales Blacklist Producers: Karen Lawler, O’Hara Tudor… Read more


PictoplasmaNYC‘s limited early bird offer ends today! And that means the conference itself is getting close. The lineup looks awesome, including Motionographered entities like Friends… Read more

Psyop: Coke “Heist”

For this weekend’s Super Bowl ad-o-rama, Psyop and Weiden+Kennedy Portland teamed up create another epic tale of longing for Coke. Like the 2007 “Happiness Factory,”… Read more

WWF: Panda

[qt:http://motionograph.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/celyn_wwf_becausewereallconnected_s_640.mov 640 360] Credits Director: Celyn Production Co: Nexus Productions Executive Producers: Chris O’Reilly & Charlotte Bavasso Producer: Christine Ponzevera Agency: Ogilvy AgencyProducer: Matthew Ellingham… Read more

ITV “Sunshine”

[qt:http://motionograph.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/90_the_brighter_side.mov 640 360] Credits Agency: BBH Creatives: Alex and Adrian Producer: David Karbassioun Production Company: MJZ Director: Rupert Sanders DP: Alex Barber Producer: Nellie Jordan… Read more

1st Ave Machine: Samsung “New Species”

[qt:http://motionograph.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/samsung_newspeciesh264.mov 720 480] Credits: Production and VFX: 1st Ave Machine Director: Arvind Palep Executive Producer: Serge Patzak Head of Production: Hae-Sook Song Producer: Crystal Campbell… Read more

Cream Update: Fall 2009

At long last, we’ve updated the Cream ‘o the Crop and included the results of the People’s Choice poll. We’ll conduct another poll in the… Read more

Ruff Evolution

I’m really digging this new spot from animation master Ruff Mercy for O’Neill to promote their upcoming snowboard event in Davos. His personal illustration style… Read more

Johnny Kelly: Olympic Spirit

[qt:https://motionograph.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/nexus_IOC_olympic_spirit1.mov 640 360] Credits Client: IOC Title: Olympic Spirit Agency: Cole & Weber United Creative Team: Scott Fero & Jacob Bass Agency Producer: Pete Anderson… Read more

Scan Processor Studies

Excerpt from Woody Vasulka & Brian O’Reilly’s “Scan Processor Studies” project