Vinicius Costa Updates

Brazilian designer Vinicius Costa recently updated his site with six quirky new spots for MTV. The spots, which Vinicius created with stop-motion help from Animatório,… Read more

Lowerground update

New update and reel from Germany’s Lowerground. Some nice stuff!

Advanced Beauty

Matt Pyke, founder of Universal Everything and Everyone Forever has now put together a project entitled “Advanced Beauty” with his brother Simon Pyke (Freeform). The… Read more

CareerBuilder Help Yourself Credits

[Original Post] PROJECT NAME: “Self-Help Yourselfâ€? and “Help You Help Youâ€? RUNNING TIME: 2 x :60 DATE OF FIRST AIRING: “Self-Help Yourselfâ€? 2/3/08, “Help… Read more

CareerBuilder Help Yourself Campaign

I’m posting these two CareerBuilder spots for the hilarious copywriting from Wieden+Kennedy and for the spot-on direction from Mike Mills (The Directors Bureau), but A52… Read more

FIFA Street 3 Viral

Damn it, I hate when something is so obviously a viral and yet still entertaining enough to watch over and over. Anyone have any idea… Read more

SL Co cut it for Nova

Another Nova spot here, this time from the French animation house SL Co. I love the mixture of hand made inky textures and 3D. The… Read more

Capitu Titles

So, due to popular demand, I’m pleased to re-present (as a full post) the title sequence to ‘Capitu’–a TV miniseries, based on a 19th century… Read more

HBO Voyeur Project

HBO voyeur is a tantalizing project the gives us a glimpse into all the simultaneous lives being acted out in a single apartment building. This… Read more

Jonny Kofoed, PAMS Q&A

What was the initial pitch brief from the agency, and how did you choose to answer it? (I.e. by sticking closely to their wish list… Read more

Artist Profile: Sean McClintock

With nearly 20 years experience under his belt, Sean McClintock has done a little bit of everything.  From the early days of Flash during the… Read more