Carolina Melis

Director/illustrator/designer Carolina Melis (with Nexus Productions) has been quietly tinkering with her site for a while now, but we recently got the green light to… Read more

Garcia site update

Dan Garcia amplifies his impressive credit list

DAf: New site, new work

DAf relaunches with two beautiful new projects, “Noble Vines” and “Tour de France.”

Lucas Brooking New Site

Art director, illustrator, animator and all around talented guy Lucas Brooking just updated his website with some amazing work, to say the least. Lucas is… Read more

Ege Soyuer Site Update

The multi-talented Art Director Ege Soyuer recently updated his website. For the past few years he has been a member of the dream team over at Buck LA… Read more

Chris Phillips Site Update

Another one of Buck’s finest recently update their website. This time it’s Buck NY’s very own multifaceted Art Director Chris Phillips. Chris’ portfolio has outstanding… Read more

Tim Haldeen’s New Site

The versatile and talented Tim Haldeen launches a new website with a wide array of projects.

Fabrik winners

A couple weeks ago, we hosted a little contest for people interested in trying out Fabrik, a portfolio creation tool that supports Vimeo integration. After… Read more

Diesel Cabinet of Visions

Hi-Res and Oculart collaborated to create a beautiful site showcasing Diesel’s jewelry line. It’s another fine example of the ever-blurring line between motion graphics and… Read more

Studio AKA: National Lottery

Studio AKA’s Marc Craste has created another fantastic animated piece, this time for the National Lottery. Marc Craste won a BAFTA in 2004 for his… Read more

Lorenzo Fonda: BIFF

Director Lorenzo Fonda came up with a great idea for the Boston Independent Film Festival. He basically recreated the effect of a zoetrope by rolling… Read more

DFORM: Update

Anders Shroder (a.k.a. DFORM) has updated his site with some fresh new work and a kick ass reel. My god, man. That reel is killing… Read more

Big Spaceship Gets in the Game

Some of you may remember a Quickie we posted a while back linking to Big Spaceship’s first ever motion reel on Newstoday. Well, now that… Read more