Introducing Holdframe

In this Motionographer Guest Post, meet Holdframe, a new platform for the animation and motion design community to share, learn, and support their fellow artists.

SPECTRUM: Rheea Aranha

For this month's SPECTRUM profile, we talked with London-based Creative Director Rheea Aranha about her studio's work in Film UI, strategies useful to women in… Read more

PopUp F5

We're thrilled to announce PopUp F5, a four-hour action packed event made in partnership with PromaxBDA!

The Do’s and Don’ts of Freelance

Ever wonder what goes through the minds of studio owners, creative directors, and producers on the topic of freelancers? Now's your chance to find out!

Step by Step: Simon Appel

Ever wonder how to animate on an iPad? Well, you're in luck with this new Step by Step featuring the talented Simon Appel.

Understanding Patrick Clair

Ever wonder what makes Patrick Clair’s work so darn good? Nol Honig sits down with the Emmy Award-winning title designer to find out. Hint: it’s… Read more


As life and our priorities constantly change, so too does our path through this ever-evolving industry. In this month's Guest Post we get an insightful… Read more

An interview with Get it Girl

In this Motionographer Q&A, we chat with Get it Girl to find out more about their collective and what some of the best illustrators in… Read more

Meet the Imaginary Friend Society

What happens when you combine some of the best talent in our field with a good cause to rally behind? The Imaginary Friend Society.