Digital Kitchen: Mirage 360

Digital Kitchen recently posted a 360 degree panoramic project they did for the MGM Mirage CityCenter in Las Vegas. These projects always require a little… Read more

Project Breakdown with Frame 48

The future is really just the impact of what everyone has scheduled in their calendar tomorrow or decides to do on a whim...

Virtual reality is not filmmaking

Let’s agree on something: 360-degree video presented inside a virtual reality headset isn’t really virtual reality. It’s a novel, sometimes powerful experience, but it’s not what makes VR arguably the most… Read more

Let There Be Sims: Happy

[qt: 640 360] Credits Client: EA Games Title: Let There Be Sims / ‘Happy’ & ‘Lollipop’ Length: 2 x 30sec Agency: Wieden & Kennedy, Portland… Read more

Shilo xD Explosion

[qt: 640 360] Credits: Ad Agency: ATTIK City/State: San Francisco, CA Creative Director, Broadcast Spot Co-Director: Simon Needham Associate Creative Directors: Ron Lim, Stan Zienka… Read more

2009 MTV Movie Awards

[qt: 640 360] Credits DESIGNED AND PRODUCED BY PROLOGUE FILMS: CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Ilya Abulhanov PRODUCER: Elizabeth Newman PRODUCTION COORDINATOR: Lee Buckley DESIGN: Georgia Tribuiani Clarisa… Read more

Mekanism: CaT Conference Opener

[qt: 640 360] Interesting bit from the press release: In approaching a conference that combines big ideas with cutting edge technology, Mekanism’s lead motion graphics… Read more

Toyota Prius “Harmony”

[qt: 480 360] < Back to Motionographer Post Credits Title: ‘Harmony’ Client: Toyota Product: Toyota Prius Agency, City: Saatchi & Saatchi, Los Angeles Executive Creative… Read more

Prologue: OFFF 2009 Titles

[qt: 640 360] Credits: Directed by: Ilya Abulhanov Produced by: Elizabeth Newman Sound Design by: Ben Lukas Boysen (HECQ)

ITV “Sunshine”

[qt: 640 360] Credits Agency: BBH Creatives: Alex and Adrian Producer: David Karbassioun Production Company: MJZ Director: Rupert Sanders DP: Alex Barber Producer: Nellie Jordan… Read more

Mercedes-Benz BAS PLUS

[qt: 640 360] Credits Client: Mercedes-Benz Nederland B.V.: Agency: BBDO Düsseldorf Production Company: SEHSUCHT GmbH Director: SEHSUCHT | Mate Steinforth Animation: SEHSUCHT | Tom Abel,… Read more

Mike Milyavsky: Cest La Vie

[qt: 640 360] < Back to Motionographer post

WWF: Panda

[qt: 640 360] Credits Director: Celyn Production Co: Nexus Productions Executive Producers: Chris O’Reilly & Charlotte Bavasso Producer: Christine Ponzevera Agency: Ogilvy AgencyProducer: Matthew Ellingham… Read more

Fox Cult: Part 2

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Fox Cult: Part 1

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Let There Be Sims: Lollipop

[qt: 640 360] Credits Client: EA Games Title: Let There Be Sims / ‘Happy’ & ‘Lollipop’ Length: 2 x 30sec Agency: Wieden & Kennedy, Portland… Read more

British Gas: Switching

[qt: 640 360] Watch British Gas “Planet Home” Credits Director: Guilherme Marcondes Agency: CHI&Partners Executive Producer: Michael Feder Producer: Hana Shimizu, Sang-Jin Bae Lead CG… Read more

Coca-Cola: Two Guys

[qt: 640 360] Credits CLIENT: Coca Cola TITLE: Two Guys AGENCY: Wieden & Kennedy / PORTLAND CREATIVE DIR: Sheena Brady, Hal Curtis COPYWRITER: Tatum Shaw… Read more

Superfad: Sprint NOW Campaign

[qt: 640 360] Credits Client: Sprint – The NOW Network Spot titles: “Back to School” “Value” “Race Day” “Moving” Launch: July 2009 Agency: Goodby, Silverstein… Read more